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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/14/2017
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting
Minutes of Meeting December 14, 2017
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office

Present:  Blaze Konefal, Dawn Marshall, Jim Eggers, Bob Mann, Marianne DiTaranto

Guests: Gail Britton-Kojigian and Charles Kojigian.   

Call to Order at 7:09 pm.  

Minutes of the meeting of 11/9/17 were approved with changes:
'Shaw Pony Pasture' will be called 'Shaw Pasture' per 3-2 vote
Under Spaulding Town Forest, add 'Anna Beauregard has given permission to the Commission to use the woods road on her property for access to the Spaulding Forest for routine operations.'

Memo from Town Counsel re the Spaulding easement deed.  Issues on compensation in case of condemnation and monetary penalties for violation of terms need to be worked out with 5RCT lawyers.

Statement of interest accrued on the CD of $156.25

Letter from NHDES to Karl Merrill stating that alleged violation of wetlands rules did not occur and the matter has been resolved.
Notice from 5RCT of need to renew 2017 membership.   By unanimous vote, renewal of $50 membership is approved.

Stoddard CC is requesting support of CCs statewide for HB 1343, dealing with reporting of beaver and beaver dam removal to NH Fish & Game.  Marianne will follow up with Stoddard CC and report back.


Public Outreach:  Charrette Committee is reaching its fundraising goal to purchase and erect a gazebo for the green space.  

Land Conservation:  Gordon has contacted NRCS for help in assessing access points to the Shaw Pasture and improvements needed to make a single point useful for the long term.  NRCS will be able to visit the site in mid-January.  Bob has talked with DOT about the driveway permit  and with DES about need for wetlands permit.  Road profile needed for DOT and wetlands delineation and minor or minimum impact application for NHDES.   Previously submitted warrant article for funds for access planning from the Forest Management account will be kept in place, and possibly withdrawn or modified later.   Work accomplished at two workdays for Shaw Pasture was reviewed.  CC, assisted by Charlie and Gail, cut heaps of brush, Frank and Gordon cut biggest trees and arranged for trunk removal.   Need to burn about 6 brush piles this winter.  Zach is coordinating with BOS and CFD.   

2018 maintenance of Shaw Pasture discussed.  Using funds in the budget vs Forest Maintenance account considered.  Motion for warrant article by Blaze, 2nd by Bob:   To expend funds from the Forest Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund for Shaw Pasture annual maintenance not to exceed $700.  All in favor.
Spaulding Town Forest:   Trail Dawgs Snowmobile Club has been notified of pending easement and that they are not affected.  See under mailbag for deed comments from Town Counsel.

Carpenter Park:  Blaze reports that boulders have been delivered to the natural playground area.
Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area:   We have not heard from Charlie Moreno re review of the Management Plan for MSCA and possible thinning cut for the Sanborn lot adjacent to Shaw Pasture.   Probably just as well as we need to work out access first.

Easement Stewardship:  no new business

Other business:  CC annual report to be discussed at January meeting prior to 1/ 14 submission.   Possible action on Shirley Waters 4 ac parcel deferred until future meetings.  (Bob mailed consent to reduce estate bond to FST.  4ac parcel and one bank account are only remaining estate assets pending distribution.)

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.  Next Monthly Meeting: Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 7 pm, Public Invited.  Merry Christmas.  

Notes by Marianne

Draft minutes by R. Mann
